Thursday, December 6, 2007
Reflections on 2007
I think I did quite good reflection I had good information about my year but I kept on moving while I was being filmed and it was quite distracting to watch.
I think when I look back at it next year it will just bring back so many memories so after all I think it was quite a good reflection.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
My ESSAY evaluation
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Global Warming as a myth - excellent video
This video is extremely thought-provoking.
What you think Berts?
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
My persuasive writing
Why kids Should Get More Pocket Money.
Dear Mum and Dad
$5 a week its not enough I think that kids should get at least $15 a week because if we don’t we will be begging you all through the week for more money because we don’t get enough pocket money.
If we get $15 dollars a week I think that kids could save $5 a week and then have $10 dollars to spend during the week and also if you think about it if we do the ironing, the dishes, the washing, wash the car, feed the pets, and loads more its not worth $5 its at LEAST worth $10.
I get only get $5 and it is not enough and as I have said before I am always begging for money from my mum and dad to get extra things like sweets and magazines.
To make sure that you do your jobs you could keep a chart and put a sticker or a tick or something every time you do a job and say if you get over 30 stickers you get your full allowance but if you get say under 30 you don’t get your full allowance. So you make sure you don’t get your money for nothing.
If we $15 it would be better off for you because we could buy our own clothes because we would be building up money every week it would teach us the value of money and you wouldn’t get a dent in your wallet every time we ask for money.
So as I am telling you why don’t you just save the hassle and give your child more pocket money.
By Bertie
Dear Mum and Dad
$5 a week its not enough I think that kids should get at least $15 a week because if we don’t we will be begging you all through the week for more money because we don’t get enough pocket money.
If we get $15 dollars a week I think that kids could save $5 a week and then have $10 dollars to spend during the week and also if you think about it if we do the ironing, the dishes, the washing, wash the car, feed the pets, and loads more its not worth $5 its at LEAST worth $10.
I get only get $5 and it is not enough and as I have said before I am always begging for money from my mum and dad to get extra things like sweets and magazines.
To make sure that you do your jobs you could keep a chart and put a sticker or a tick or something every time you do a job and say if you get over 30 stickers you get your full allowance but if you get say under 30 you don’t get your full allowance. So you make sure you don’t get your money for nothing.
If we $15 it would be better off for you because we could buy our own clothes because we would be building up money every week it would teach us the value of money and you wouldn’t get a dent in your wallet every time we ask for money.
So as I am telling you why don’t you just save the hassle and give your child more pocket money.
By Bertie
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Key competencies
Flexible:I think I have become way more Flexible this year because I have heaps of things on and I can Get to all of the things on time or tell them that I can't come.
Self responsible:I think I have become more self responsible because at the start of the year my Mum did like HEAPS of stuff for me and now I do most stuff for myself now.
Maths: I think I have become more good at math because last year I was in the second best Maths group and this year I am ion the top 13 Math pupils in the school.
Positive: I think I have be a more positive learner in the class because I have fun doing work and I try not to complain when we do something boring.
Creator: I think I have become more of a creator because I Because I imagine things and then I try to build them
Responsible risk taker: I think I have become a more responsible risk taker because most of the time I think before I do things.
P.E: I think I have Improved on my P.E because at the moment we are doing skipping and I was the first one to do double dutch probably and I can also do it reeeeeeeealy fast.
Technology: I think i have got better with technology because last year I used to like NEVER go on the computer and this year I go on quite often and my typing has improved so much.
Languages: I think I have been getting better with languages because with Kapa Haka I have been pronouncing the words properly and stuff like that.
Comunicater: I think I have become a better comunicater because by using blogger and sharing ideas in class meeting.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Bertie's Term 4 school goal
another one of my home goals is to do my homework and get it in on time.
I will achieve this by doing my homework from 6:00 to 6:30 or a time like that every night.
I will know I have achieved this when I don't need to ask for an extension and my homework is quality.
I will achieve this by doing my homework from 6:00 to 6:30 or a time like that every night.
I will know I have achieved this when I don't need to ask for an extension and my homework is quality.
Bertie's Term 4 school goal
My first school goal is to concentrate more in class so I can get more work done.
I will achieve this by if someone starts talking to me I will just ignore them or tell them to be quiet.
I will know I have achieved this when I'm not behind in work.
I will achieve this by if someone starts talking to me I will just ignore them or tell them to be quiet.
I will know I have achieved this when I'm not behind in work.
Bertie's Term 4 home goal
Another one of my home goals is to get into housework so I can get more pocket money.
I will achieve this by making a chart and every time I do a job I get a sticker or something like that.
I will know I have achieved this when I Don't have to keep on my parents for extra money or things like lollies.
I will achieve this by making a chart and every time I do a job I get a sticker or something like that.
I will know I have achieved this when I Don't have to keep on my parents for extra money or things like lollies.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Bertie's speach evaluation
I think that my speach went quite well because I spoke clearly and I caught the audiances attention.
If I did this speach again I would try not to stumble practice a bit more and maybe get a better topic.
If I did this speach again I would try not to stumble practice a bit more and maybe get a better topic.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Speach evaluation
I think I talked a bit to fast and it was a bit rushed because I finished the night before I did it so next time I do it I think I should get on to it and not leave it to the last minute so I can get more time to practice.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Term 3 Speech Feedback - Why you should care what you wear.
2.36 Fantastic introduction which was different and interesting. This grabbed our attention
and gained interest. You read your speech and looked up every now and then. The
ideas in your speech were varied and interesting, especially the story about
the trip to the supermarket!
Next Steps:
Spend more time memorising your speech so you can connect to the audience more easily by
making eye contact, slowing down and enjoying being in front of a group of
people. Well done.
and gained interest. You read your speech and looked up every now and then. The
ideas in your speech were varied and interesting, especially the story about
the trip to the supermarket!
Next Steps:
Spend more time memorising your speech so you can connect to the audience more easily by
making eye contact, slowing down and enjoying being in front of a group of
people. Well done.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Berties Reflection
What are my learning priorities for my lerning the rest of the year?
I think Following my goals is a big one because I always set goals but I never follow them so untill the rest of the term I want to concentrate on my goals.
I also Think I need to concentrate Homework and that will be a prioritie at home that is also one of my goals which shows that I really need to concentrate on this one.
I think Following my goals is a big one because I always set goals but I never follow them so untill the rest of the term I want to concentrate on my goals.
I also Think I need to concentrate Homework and that will be a prioritie at home that is also one of my goals which shows that I really need to concentrate on this one.
Berties S.L.C reflection
Monday, July 23, 2007
Letter to Bilbo
168 Clyde Road
Fendalton 8053
New Zealand
Dear Bilbo,
Hi, I am Bertie Taylor from Fendalton School and I was just wondering why did you go on the adventure when you could have just stayed in your hobbit hole with your feet in front of the fire? What did it feel like when you lost all your stuff down the river?
I just have some advice that next time you go on an adventure, if you ever do, you should go prepared and ready for anything, unlike you were when you first tried to go and see what the trolls were doing. I was just wondering if you went on this trip again what would you change. For example, you would take more food or take more clothes.
I really liked reading about you because you aren’t person you are a hobbit and it is quite interesting reading about other specious
Thank you for spending your time reading my letter.
Yours Sincerely,
Fendalton 8053
New Zealand
Dear Bilbo,
Hi, I am Bertie Taylor from Fendalton School and I was just wondering why did you go on the adventure when you could have just stayed in your hobbit hole with your feet in front of the fire? What did it feel like when you lost all your stuff down the river?
I just have some advice that next time you go on an adventure, if you ever do, you should go prepared and ready for anything, unlike you were when you first tried to go and see what the trolls were doing. I was just wondering if you went on this trip again what would you change. For example, you would take more food or take more clothes.
I really liked reading about you because you aren’t person you are a hobbit and it is quite interesting reading about other specious
Thank you for spending your time reading my letter.
Yours Sincerely,
New computer has arrived
Hi Bertie - flash new computer has arrived at work. I'll bring it home tonight. No excuses not to do your home work now.
Cheers sweetie
Cheers sweetie
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Term 3 goals homework
My first school goal is to be more organised with my homework and get It in on time. I wil do this by getting a time say 7:00 to 7:30 and doing my homework then otherwise I will just put it of and not do it.
I will know I have achieved this when I don’t have to ask for extension and when my work is top notch.
I did'nt achieve this because I still have been leaving things to the last minute and saying ill do it and then I wont and right now I am evaluating my goals when my homework is due tomorrow and I have still got to make term 4 goals so that deffinitly shows that I didn't achieve this goal.
I will know I have achieved this when I don’t have to ask for extension and when my work is top notch.
I did'nt achieve this because I still have been leaving things to the last minute and saying ill do it and then I wont and right now I am evaluating my goals when my homework is due tomorrow and I have still got to make term 4 goals so that deffinitly shows that I didn't achieve this goal.
Term 3 goals reading
My second school goal is to read more and read a variaty of things like magazines and comic books.
I will achieve this by going to the library, getting more books out and spend about half an hour reading a day, and if I don’t I will catch up on the next day.
I will know I have achieved this when I can finish a book in a week and want to read more.
I think I sort of acheived this goal because I started off acheiving it and reading heaps but then I started getting lazy and started not reading that much
I will achieve this by going to the library, getting more books out and spend about half an hour reading a day, and if I don’t I will catch up on the next day.
I will know I have achieved this when I can finish a book in a week and want to read more.
I think I sort of acheived this goal because I started off acheiving it and reading heaps but then I started getting lazy and started not reading that much
Term 3 personal Goals running
My first personal goal is to go on more runs regulary so I can improve and get a good place in the southisland champs.
I will achieve this by writing down a scedual with my brother and following it.
I will know I have achieved this when my dad has to pedel faster and I am realy puffed because I’m pushing myself.
I didn't acheive this goal because I didn't go on much runs but in the southisland champs I did really well and came 22 but I think I could of done better if I trained.
I will achieve this by writing down a scedual with my brother and following it.
I will know I have achieved this when my dad has to pedel faster and I am realy puffed because I’m pushing myself.
I didn't acheive this goal because I didn't go on much runs but in the southisland champs I did really well and came 22 but I think I could of done better if I trained.
Term 3 personal Goals sport
My second personal goal is to practice my tennis and hockey for about ten minuets at leased 5 times a week.
I will achieve this by making a chart and ticking it off once I have done It.
I will know I have achieved this when I have better aim and a stronger hit.
I think I sort of achieved this because I didn't practice for 10 minuets but I went out every now and then and also I didn't make a chart but I deffintly now have improved heaps.
I will achieve this by making a chart and ticking it off once I have done It.
I will know I have achieved this when I have better aim and a stronger hit.
I think I sort of achieved this because I didn't practice for 10 minuets but I went out every now and then and also I didn't make a chart but I deffintly now have improved heaps.
Term 2 Goals detailed stories
My first school goal is to write more detailed stories with better words all threw out term 2.
I will achieve this by not just rushing my writing and putting more effort into it.
I will know I have achieved this when I have good sentence starters and interesting sentences.
I think I acheived this goal because when I retold Hansel and gretel It was really long and detailed.
I will achieve this by not just rushing my writing and putting more effort into it.
I will know I have achieved this when I have good sentence starters and interesting sentences.
I think I acheived this goal because when I retold Hansel and gretel It was really long and detailed.
Term 2 Goals Homework
My second school goal is to do quality homework and hand it in on time throughout term 2.
I will achieve this by having a paticular time each day to do my homework.
I will know I have achieved this by looking back at my old homework and compare them and there will be a big difference.
I think I semi acheived this because I did realy qualitty work but I left it to the last minuet
I will achieve this by having a paticular time each day to do my homework.
I will know I have achieved this by looking back at my old homework and compare them and there will be a big difference.
I think I semi acheived this because I did realy qualitty work but I left it to the last minuet
Term 2 home Goals sport
My home goal is to get fitter and better at sport Throughout Term 2.
I will do this by going on runs when I’m supposed to, and going to sport practices.
I will know I have achieved this when I am doing really well in my sports and doing the best I can.
I think I acheived this because I went on runs I was supposed to go on and I concentrated at my sport practises.
I will do this by going on runs when I’m supposed to, and going to sport practices.
I will know I have achieved this when I am doing really well in my sports and doing the best I can.
I think I acheived this because I went on runs I was supposed to go on and I concentrated at my sport practises.
Term-1 goals i.c.t
My first school goal is to get more familiar with i.c.t. and not have to get help all the time from other people.
I will achieve this by using the computer more and if somthing happens try to solve it myself and if I can't then I will get a tech wizard.
I will know I have acheived this when I can help people myself and don't need any tech wizards to help me.
I will acheive this goal throughout term 1.
My first school goal was to get more familure with i.c.t. and I think I semi acieved that because I still need a bit of help sometimes but other times I am fine by myself.
I will achieve this by using the computer more and if somthing happens try to solve it myself and if I can't then I will get a tech wizard.
I will know I have acheived this when I can help people myself and don't need any tech wizards to help me.
I will acheive this goal throughout term 1.
My first school goal was to get more familure with i.c.t. and I think I semi acieved that because I still need a bit of help sometimes but other times I am fine by myself.
Feedback - blog
Your blog is looking superb! Can you please make sure you have evaluated your term one and two goals? That way you can measure your progress in learning.
You are such an awesome learner. Keep up the great work.
You are such an awesome learner. Keep up the great work.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Term-1 goals concentrate
My second school goal would have to be to concentrate more in class and get more work done.
I will do this by trying not to talk and not being silly.
I will know I have acheived this when I get more work done and don't get told off all the time for talking.
I will acheive this goal throughout term 1.
My second school goal was to be more sensible in class and same as last time I think I semi aheived this goal because I once got told to go and sit somewhere else, but I am better than I used to be.
I will do this by trying not to talk and not being silly.
I will know I have acheived this when I get more work done and don't get told off all the time for talking.
I will acheive this goal throughout term 1.
My second school goal was to be more sensible in class and same as last time I think I semi aheived this goal because I once got told to go and sit somewhere else, but I am better than I used to be.
term-1 goals homework
My last school goal is to make my homework quality and not just rush it so I can have more time having fun.
I will achieve this by having a special time at home maybe for an hour a day and do my homework in that time.
I will know I have acheived this when I don't have to ask for an extension and I will compere my work with my previose work and see how much I have improved.
I will acheive this goal throughout term 1.
My third school goal was to be more organised with homework, and I tell you that was a disaster I Failed that one because I left everything to the last minuet and it was all rushed.
I will achieve this by having a special time at home maybe for an hour a day and do my homework in that time.
I will know I have acheived this when I don't have to ask for an extension and I will compere my work with my previose work and see how much I have improved.
I will acheive this goal throughout term 1.
My third school goal was to be more organised with homework, and I tell you that was a disaster I Failed that one because I left everything to the last minuet and it was all rushed.
Term-1 personal goals housework
One of my home goals is to help around the house more and not complain if I get asked to do something like wash the dishes or load the dish washer.
I will acheive this by doing jobs for pocket money or something like that.
I will know that I have acheived this when I don't complain and do the job when I'm asked.
I will acheive this goal throughout term 1.
My third home goal was to help more around the house and I achieved that because I have been doing heaps more than I used to.
I will acheive this by doing jobs for pocket money or something like that.
I will know that I have acheived this when I don't complain and do the job when I'm asked.
I will acheive this goal throughout term 1.
My third home goal was to help more around the house and I achieved that because I have been doing heaps more than I used to.
Term-1 personal goals unicycling
One of my home goals is to get better at unicycling.
I will achieve this by practising in my free time and trying out new things on it.
I will know I have acheived this when I can ride all the way along wai-iti tce.
I will acheive this goal throughout term1.
My second home goal was to get better at unicycling and I deffintly got better at that because now I can almost bunny hop and now I can pick up a drink bottle off the ground while I’m riding.
I will achieve this by practising in my free time and trying out new things on it.
I will know I have acheived this when I can ride all the way along wai-iti tce.
I will acheive this goal throughout term1.
My second home goal was to get better at unicycling and I deffintly got better at that because now I can almost bunny hop and now I can pick up a drink bottle off the ground while I’m riding.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Term-1 personal goals reading
One of my home goals is to get reading more.
I will achieve this by going to the library more often and using my spear time to read.
I will know I have acheived this when I have a whole load of books sitting in my bookcase that have been read.
I will acheive this goal throughout term 1.
My first Personal goal was to get reading more and as most of my other goals I semi achieved that because once I read like 6 chapters straight but at other times I had the opertunity to read but I didn’t.
I will achieve this by going to the library more often and using my spear time to read.
I will know I have acheived this when I have a whole load of books sitting in my bookcase that have been read.
I will acheive this goal throughout term 1.
My first Personal goal was to get reading more and as most of my other goals I semi achieved that because once I read like 6 chapters straight but at other times I had the opertunity to read but I didn’t.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
My Limerick
There once was a man called Daniel
Who would refuse to drive a manuel
One day he tried
And almost died
When he hit and squashed a spaniel
Who would refuse to drive a manuel
One day he tried
And almost died
When he hit and squashed a spaniel
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